Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Arizona 21st in Industrial R&D Intensity

According to SSTI, Arizona ranks 21st in the nation in Industrial R&D Intensity based on the ratio of Industrial R&D expenditures to Gross State Product (GSP). Not bad, but you Arizona R&D entrepreneurs would be wise to budget for travel to California. They're #5 in the US but first in both R&D expenditure and GSP. Numbers are for 2003 which, upon a quick perusal of the links, is the latest year for which GSP data is available, I guess.

At first I misread the table and thought we were 44th ("Holy crap! We suck!"), but that distinction belongs to Arkansas. Alaska is dead last, which is fine. I like my fishing, hiking, and sight-seeing in Alaska; I don't need high-tech development screwing things up there.

Edit: New Hampshire is eighth. Huh.

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