Tuesday, February 21, 2006


TIME: Is America Flunking Science?

I saved $4 at Albertson's by reading this article online. The article provides a fascinating overview of the current state of scientific innovation, from an academic, political, corporate, and individual perspective. The other links are good reads as well.

For my part, I am mostly in agreement with the statements in the article. This past weekend at the Barnes and Noble I took a gander at The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christianson and noticed some definite tie-ins between why previously dominant companies have lost their footing and the culture and trends currently surrounding scientific innovation in the U.S. I don't feel that the state of affairs is as doom and gloom as the Time article makes it appear--we're still leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the world in our technical capabilities--but I do feel that we need to make some serious changes in our attitudes and values to retain our competitive edge.

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