Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Spouting Off, Part 1: Conflicting Goals

This article had me banging my head against my desk. What did it was this sentence (my bold):
...the country needs to improve math education to win an economic race with China and India and a national security race against terrorism.
My question is, if we're in an economic race against China and India, why are we sending so much of our engineering work and technical knowledge to them? And yes, I'm talking about engineering--not call centers or programming, but engineering. It's like giving a bicycle to a foot race opponent and then complaining when he catches up with you.

If this initiative works, I predict a future of even more Americans who are angry about their work being offshored. Then again, if they get good at math, they'll probably figure out that an MBA presents much sweeter deals than a degree in engineering.

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