Friday, February 24, 2006


Conehead Man, Conehead Man. Does Whatever a Conehead Can.

A little more info on that Homeland Security Grant recently awarded to ESA Corp. Seems that Martin came up with the "crazy idea" (probably over a pint of Guinness) of firing a sticky web of any size into the undercarriage of fleeing vehicles. This would enable pursuing cops to catch the thieves, just like flies*. The "web" would have applications for the military, Border Patrol, and local law-enforcement. In response to the idea, the Department of Homeland Security has awarded ESA with a $100,000 SBIR to do a feasibility study. He has six months to get it working after which he can possibily win another $750,000 grant to develop a prototype, which I suppose could be tested on vehicles that cut him off or pull out in front of him (that's how I would test it, anyway).

By the way, Martin turned 45 a few days prior to this posting. I just want to make sure all the information discussed here is accurate.

*I could keep going, but I won't.

Costs about .25 cents per .40 caliber cartridge... About .20 for cheap .223 ammunition. Save money, shoot more criminals!
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