Saturday, January 28, 2006


Itty Bitty Technology Committee

From the East Valley Tribune: ASU Forum to Focus on Nanotechnology.
The Center for Nanotechnology in Society will be launched with a public forum on ethical, personal privacy and other issues raised by nanotechnology from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday at the College of Law at ASU’s Tempe campus.
This part is kind of cool:
But nanodevices too small to be seen by the human eye also have potentially malevolent uses such as controlling human brains or recording and transmitting private conversations, raising questions of how nanotechnology should be regulated. Proponents of firmer controls say the dangers could lead to a crisis of public confidence of the type that has afflicted nuclear power and genetically modified foods. (my bold)
I question whether these concerns are legitimate or just paranoid rantings, along the lines of the hysteria surrounding genetically modified foods. Let's hope nanotechnology doesn't get smothered by overregulation.

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